Sunday, October 5, 2008

??? Miracle of Anna (?)-:

Spike Lee’s Movie. St., Miracle of Anna
“here’s My Take”
(for WTTW-CH-11)

As a former Combat Infantryman that served with U. S. Army's last all Black Combat Unit, the 24th Infantry Regiment, formerly known as “BUFFALO SOLDIERS” (Korea 1950 - 1951)

I found most of the War scene not very convincing. And degrading to the memories I have of serving with former members of the 92nd Infantry Division in Korea...

1. They weren't as focused as they would've been under the circumstances. There would have less concern about the racist conditions of the time and more focus on their present surrounding. Like in such a situation (combat patrol) one's six-sense kicks in.

2. No platoon leader, or platoon sergeant nor squad leader would've allowed one of their men to carry alone a 15 or 20 pound head of a marble stature, on a combat patrol. Not only would it had farther endanger his life and mobility, but also those of his companions.

3. No leader would send a civilian to safe guard their position. Like what happen when the platoon sergeant send one of the partisan as lookout.
Or entrusting your weapon to a prostitute.

4. One of the most unimaginable instants, was the German Officer, giving his side arm to a wounded American soldier, to defend himself against his own troops.

5. Also soldiers with loaded weapons in town (the southern ice cream parlor incident) I could see them returning to their base, retaining them, then returning to town.

PS: So, for the above five reasons and Out of respect for many of my fallen-comrades, I could only give the movie 1.1/2 stars...

I guess there's certain guidelines movie maker must follow when making Hollywood war movies. I just don’t know

The most appreciated part of the movie, is the recognition being paid to the African American military achievement during the world war two (WW2) and the 92nd Infantry Division, of which I've had the honor to serve with a few former members during the Korean war. Where I served as a combat Infantry Rifleman, and they as commanding officers.

Its for that reason that I recommend, others see the movie, (Miracle of St. Anna) In the hope that someday, some African American movie maker, and hopefully Spike Lee.

And not allow his wonderful movie making skills, to be trivialized to the point of buffoonery. Just to be accepted if that was the case with Miracle Of Saint Anna.

I am a firm believer that if we (African American) don't tell our stories, we shouldn't expect others to do it.

Still, we should bare in mind that Wars, is no joking matter.

And not to be consumed as presented by HOLLYWOOD USA.

The movie (war scenes) is an insult to the honorable memories of the 92nd Infantry Division "Buffalo-Soldiers"

PS: When our history is concerned, we should always be on the alert for the small things that might be used as a yardstick, to measure the whole

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